Melanin-related Morphs |
Melanin is the most common pigment in the animal kingdom and is responsible for the blacks, browns, and some pink tones on cornsnakes. There are several genes which affect the quantity or quality of the melanins. If you look at a cornsnake's skin under magnification of about 100X (aka "hypermacro") you can see the various shapes and sizes of the black dots, which are the melanin-containing cells. They are normally like little asterisks, a dot with little hair-like dendrites branching out. Hypermacro can be helpful in seeing the differences in various melanin-affecting morphs, and if you're a geek like me, just plain fun!
· Sunkissed is a melanin reducer and also has some effect on the pattern. This gene originally popped up in Kathy Love's Okeetee lines, thus many of these snakes still show considerable Okeetee influence. As they continue to be outcrossed they will split more and more clearly into groups of sunkissed versus sunkissed Okeetees. With hypermacro the dots are significantly bigger and lacking in dendrites. The borders are also peppered with dots instead of one solid color. Some sunkisseds have a few or many dots which resemble normal dots, too. · Lava is a very extreme melanin reducer. Some specimens have flecks of black where the borders would normally be found, and are called "paradox lavas." Hatchlings can appear almost amelanistic, and have ruby eyes. With hypermacro the dots are split into two types. There are clusters of normal-like dots, the rest are very small and nearly clear, or just invisible, depending ont he snake and the quality of the magnification equipment being used. · Dilute is the mildest known melanin reducer. It also tends to leave the snake in cool tones. With hypermacro the dots are huge compared to all other corns, and they are also lacking dendrites. It is more like a clown suit with big polka dots. Other lines have been tested and proved compatible with previously known hypos, for example Dream and Strawberry and Christmas proved compatible with the Hypo locus.
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